How much power?


Apr 17, 2015
Hey I am just wondering what it's gonna take to RUN gta 5 60fps on a eyefinity set up. I can do crossfire not SLI and I wana stay as cheap as possible. I have a r7 295x in there now and for 150 it kicks ass but I need more juice what are the recommendations without breaking the bank. Post links to cards if you would so I can check out each specific one. Thank you so much!
Can you please post your specs so we can know that there wont be any cpu bottle necks or that your psu will have enough watts. And what is your budget. I'd probable recommend a r9 270x or r9 280x in crossfire with your current card. How many fps are you getting with your current set up.

I will have to double check my FPS when I get out of work. But I got a AMD a10 it's a quad core and I think right now I'm pushing 5ghz on it I also have 8gb of ram and a corsair 750 watt psu I am willing to change it out if absolutely needed but I eaither wana do a crossfire or like a single powerhouse card. As far as budget I have pretty much enough for anything you could give me. Outside of like SLI Titans haha.
How many monitors are you planning on having? This give some good information

3 monitors