How Much Wattage Should I Need For My PSU In This Build?

Jun 14, 2018
I am looking to get a new pc and ive put together what i do believe is a decent entry level gaming rig, theres just one thing, with all of these PSU wattage calculators they all give different answers, could someone help me decide how much i will need my build is :

MOBO : Gigabyte Z370M DS3H LGA 1151
CPU : I5-8600k,
GPU : GTX 1080 Ti
RAM : 16GB DDR4 2600Mhz
STORAGE : 1x126GB SSD 1x2TB HDD 7.2k RPM

Appreciate your help :)
It honestly should - but if you want to be sure you could always go with more, just remember - the more wattage you have, the more wasted energy you have, even if you don't use the full wattage. That's why it's recommended to only get 20% more than you need. So if you really wanted to get more, you could go with an 850W, which could cover up to two 1080 Ti in SLI. Make sure the one you get is 80% efficiency or more. Also make sure it's modular to save on space - and dust.

That is not necessarily true, different PSUs have different efficiency curves, and there are a lot of high wattage PSUs that will waste less energy than low wattage PSUs at even low loads. Vice versa can also be true. But neither generalization is true on a consistent basis. :)

Oh! I didn't know that! Thank you! Is there a specific brand of PSU that doesn't waste as much energy as others?

so how much wattage do you think that i should get?