[SOLVED] How Should One Prepare for a Factory Reset?

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Aug 6, 2015
Hi there,

I ran into an issue that I've been trying to work with for a while now, as far as I've learned the only way to fix this issue is to perform a factory reset, I've finally decided to perform one and was wondering what I should consider, how should I prepare?

I have done factory resets in the past so I have the obvious one down which would be to create backups of what I wish to hang on to, but is there anything else?

Should I create a checklist perhaps?

Or is protecting what I would otherwise lose the only thing?
I always make full system backups to an external hard drive. I use the free version of Macrium Reflect which allows me to restore anything from the backup, whether it's a file, folder, or the whole system. There are numerous other backup programs, but I've never had a problem with the Macrium one.
I always make full system backups to an external hard drive. I use the free version of Macrium Reflect which allows me to restore anything from the backup, whether it's a file, folder, or the whole system. There are numerous other backup programs, but I've never had a problem with the Macrium one.
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