[SOLVED] How to achieve a single digit ping?

Apr 27, 2019
I play Fortnite competitively and I’ve might a decent amount of money for a 15 year old off it but the problem is, I play on about 40 ping. I live about 98 miles from the Ohio server for Fortnite and some people said you have to be within 150km to get 0 ping (not actually 0 just rounded down). If anyone knows, what are the best internet providers in north west Pennsylvania for the lowest ping. (No particular budget)
To get a single digit ping, you need to move next door to the server you're connected to, and have a direct line to their server farm. No ISP in the middle.

"best internet provider" relies on what is actually available at your house. NW Pennsylvania is far too broad.
ISP availability can change from one side of the street to the other.
To get a single digit ping, you need to move next door to the server you're connected to, and have a direct line to their server farm. No ISP in the middle.

"best internet provider" relies on what is actually available at your house. NW Pennsylvania is far too broad.
ISP availability can change from one side of the street to the other.
So Armstrong offers a service that has download speeds up to 500 mb/s. If I were to get that would I have lower ping or would that not make a difference from 100 mb/s.
So many gamers believe opinion and "feelings" from other gamers. If they spent as much time learning about the technology as the game they would know what was actual information and what was some fantasy.

Modern games are designed to compensate for difference in latency. They can't fix say someone who has 50ms and the guy that has 250ms but they do very well when all the players are withing about 100ms of each other.
What they are in effect doing is introducing artificial delay for those that have lower latency.

You pretty much only hear this theory from people who lose, the guy that wins never says I only win because I have low latency.....no it is his "skill".