You'll have to get or borrow the external dvd reader/writer first, but after that the easiest program I'm aware of and have used is Handbrake. I seriously doubt that there is any copy protection on the dvd, so copy at will. With Handbrake you can pick the format and quality it comes out at. AVI will play on everything and MKV likely will too. No need to put it on another DVD, just save the file that's created and then you can put it on thumb drives for your whole family and return the external dvd...
I few years ago, I backed up all of my dvd's and have them saved in digital formats on my HDD and a backup HDD too. Stuff like movies of kids' birthday parties and such. If it happens to be protected somehow, there are simple ways to remove most of them too, but I'm betting with a HS musical that is not part of the equation.
I few years ago, I backed up all of my dvd's and have them saved in digital formats on my HDD and a backup HDD too. Stuff like movies of kids' birthday parties and such. If it happens to be protected somehow, there are simple ways to remove most of them too, but I'm betting with a HS musical that is not part of the equation.