News How to Check FPS on Windows

MSI Afterburner/RTSS is a much better tool for measuring any GPU or game performance metric, imo.

I have used FRAPS before, but this app hasn't been updated by the devs in quite a LONG time, and one of the major issues with Fraps is the way it affects in-game performance, while recording.

If you record with FRAPS, then expect at least 13% decrease in performance. It can also eat up to 3.95 GB of storage for just two minutes of gameplay recording.

MSI AB is better, and more convenient and user-friendly, based on my own personal experience. Just use the On-Screen Display (OSD) feature. I use MSI AB/RivaTuner Statistics Server for monitoring all the stats.

And the software has also been updated and patched several times.
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By the way, I have also used STEAM's overlay to measure the FPS, however, whenever I enabled this option, there was a lag and a performance drop in some of the games while playing, if not all.

Not sure about you guys, but I have experienced this in FAR CRY 6, DOOM Eternal and Borderlands 3, because my fps was tanked while gaming. After disabling this feature, both the games ran much better without any hiccups/stutters.

Some STEAM users have also experienced FPS drops from 72 to 40 FPS, or 30 FPS on average, while gaming.