So, for TV programme you're limited to Stereo (if you connect TV' audio out to the receiver). Move Roku to the receiver' HDMI, and you should get surround in Netflix and others
The tv does have arc however the reciever only has an hdmi in/out so I put one end in the tv's arc and the receiver in the in part of the hdmi. I also set the receiver to the HDMI in for the source option, still nothing
So for the jvc reciever it should be correct the way I have it hooked up(tv-arc hdmi port) (reciever-hdmi IN) with the source being HDMI in for the receiver?
Your JVC does not support ARC, period.
If you have dish / cable box: connect it to the JVC.
The only other way to get (stereo) sound is to connect head-phones (or optical-out) output of the TV to the receiver' input.
It should go cable box hdmi out to jvc hdmi in, then jvc hdmi out to the tv hdmi in. Nothing out from the tv. If you have more than 1 hdmi device that needs to get to the tv and you want to hear the sound out of the jvc you need an hdmi switch.
So, for TV programme you're limited to Stereo (if you connect TV' audio out to the receiver). Move Roku to the receiver' HDMI, and you should get surround in Netflix and others