How to Convert Courtsmart Transcript to Usable Audio?

Derren Brown

Oct 3, 2012
Hello Everyone,

CourtSmart is software used in many courtrooms to record proceedings, depositions and anything else needing a verbatim copy. It enables court reporters, judges, law clerks and other members of the court to listen to and play back portions of a case. Audio, video and user-assigned tags are incorporated into the CourtSmart file format, and transcripts created by it is not immediately compatible with MP3 players or other standard audio devices. So, that I want to know some instructions to convert courtsmart transcript to usable audio. Any idea much appreciated!

Thanks a lot!
Derren Brown :??:
Hello Friends,

1. Connect your cassette recorder to your PC through the PC's line-out or headphone jack to the recorder's microphone or input jack. The size and type of cable you need will depend upon your recorder and PC; make sure to check the ins on the recorder and the outs on the PC before choosing a cable. Any size cassette recorder will work, whether it is a mini-cassette recorder, desktop recorder or even a boom box.

2. Insert your cassette into the recorder, begin recording and play your CourtSmart file, transferring the audio from the PC to cassette.

3. Break the recording up into sections depending upon the length of the tape. Simply pause the CourtSmart file, flip your tape over and continue recording.

4. Record an MP3 or .WAV file to your computer form the cassette. This will save you money that would otherwise be spent on audio capturing software. For the sake of court transcriptions, DVD quality audio is not usually required as long as it's audible.

5. Plug the cassette recorder into the computer's line-in or microphone jack from the headphone or line-out jack. Again, the cable you use will depend on the size ins and outs on the recorder and the PC.

6. Select and install digital audio software to record your transcript. Windows typically comes with a sound recorder program that will work, but other programs are available if you don't wish to use this. Sony Acid Pro is capable of capturing live audio, but if you don't wish to spend money on it, Audacity is a free program that will also do the job.

7. Begin recording with your digital audio software. This function is essentially the same for all programs; select your microphone jack or line-in as the recording input, create a new audio track and begin recording. Press play on your cassette once you have begun recording, and stop when you are done. Don't worry about stopping the recording to flip the tape over; you can slice out the dead space on your track after creating it.

8. Edit and save your audio file. Remove the dead space in your track by dragging over it and pressing the delete key on your keyboard. You may also cut and paste sections of your transcript into separate tracks if you need them to be shorter to fit onto CD's. MP3 and .WAV are standard file formats and your digital recording software should be able to bounce or record audio to either format.

Thanks and Regards
Steven Brooks :bounce: