I think you're basing your question on a misconception of what a Gigabyte is. It's not 1,000,000,000 bytes as you might think. Normally in numbers we think in terms of base 10 however that doesn't work well with computers which ultimately are base 2 (AKA ones and zeros)
The smallest unit of drive storage is a sector which is generally 512 bytes (newer drives are 4096 bytes). Which doesn't tend to divide nicely into round base 10 numbers. That's the same reason why you notice that RAM in computers usually jumps in numbers like 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024Mb (aka 1Gb). A true Gb is actually 1073741824 bytes(1024*1024*1024), a number which your computer understands better.
If you really want to set it to be a true Gb then you should figure out exactly how many sectors that is (kb/2 = sectors) and manually set the partition size to that. A ending LBA that is 2097152 sectors off from the starting LBA should show as a true Gb.
Though it seems to be an awful amount of work to go through just to be anal retentive.