How to delete network folder that creates this error: "you need permission to [user] to make changes to this folder"


Aug 15, 2014
Hello Everyone,

I appreciate your time for reading my post.

I am an admin on my system, but I cannot delete a users profile under C:/users on my system. It is giving me this error from deleting the folder in C:/users. How do I go about doing this? Please provide step-by-step details.

Thank you,


So this folder does not reside on your physical PC?
Then whoever controls the system where this folder does reside, has not give you the rights to delete it.

What are you actually trying to do?
Right Click Folder
Click Properties
Click Security Tab
Click Advanced
At the top you should see an owner followed by the a blue "Change"
Change the owner to administrator.

You also may need to give administrator Full Access permissions if you don't have them already in that folder.

Edit: Upon rereading C:/Users sounds like Windows Xp.

The above should be highly similar to the steps in Windows Xp.
Question. How does this affect their files?

I am still unable to remove the network folder. As I could with other network folders. The admins cannot remove the folder. The admins have full access.

I am going to be somewhat harsher about the problem:

You are trying to delete the folder. You cannot do so. The admins cannot remove the folder...

Whose folder is it? Who is (perhaps was) the folder owner?

I.e., who created that folder, who reads and writes to that folder?

Probably the time to get everyone concerned into a room to discuss the matter, the admin rights, and applicable security considerations.

Seems to be more than a technical issue.


So this folder does not reside on your physical PC?
Then whoever controls the system where this folder does reside, has not give you the rights to delete it.

What are you actually trying to do?
I am the technology owner for my system, I am am admin on my system. I periodically go to C:/users to delete the local files to maintenance my machine. I have been able to do this with other profiles that have logged into my machine.

This is the only network profile I am unable to remove from my machine locally. I did the remedy above and tried to take ownership to kick the profile off my machine. I tried to add me and the administrators profile to take over the profile. I am trying to kick the profile because I do not trust the intent of the user.

I do not want the user to grant me access. Will they see that I have tried to take ownership over the folder? I just want to override it to kick it off my machine.

Since we do not know how this was set up, we have no idea.
He will, however, notice when he tries to access that and gets a "Denied" popup.

What I did was take that specific user, and denied all to the C:/ drive. Even though he is in the users folder will my deny everything to my C:/ drive?

If you really want to kill an account, make yourself near god-like in the machine.
To see how, click HERE

oops. I see this is marked "Solved" and best answer is what USAFRet said to do. I guess becoming God over your computer is not the best thing to do. Oh well, remember my link so if you need absolute power in the future, you'll now how to get it (or become it).