Chillrend, originally found in Oblivion, can also be found here in Skyrim. If you wait until you are level 46 or higher to go get this, it is one of the strongest one handed swords in the game, but it all depends on what level you are when you first enter the area it's located in as to what level the sword itself is going to be.
Step 1)Head to the Riftweald Manor.
If you are doing the thieves guild quest line, you will be sent here for one of the later quests, if you aren't level 46 when you are sent here, I would suggest you wait to do that quest line and pick up the strongest version of this sword possible. If you don't want to do the thieves guild quest line at all, you can still break in here to get this sword though. If you decide to get this without the quest to go here, you'll need to go to Riften and go around behind the manor. There's a barrel on the ground you can jump onto, and then up onto the roof. From here, walk back and forth and you'll slowly climb higher on the shingles. Now that you're up here, turn around to see a balcony, that's where you need to get to. Use whirlwind sprint and it should run you right through the air over to the balcony and you can then waltz into the manor itself, after picking the expert lock.
Step 2)Avoid the traps to get to the basement.
There will be a few guards in here, but nothing you can't handle. Once they're dealt with look around for a suspicious cabinet. Open this and there is a false panel in the back you can open to head downstairs to the basement. Take it easy here, don't just charge in, the place is full of traps. The main thing to watch for is the swinging axe blades from the ceiling, but there are dart traps from the walls as well. When you get to the door at the end, stand to the side when you open it as there is a whole stream of darts that will rain down on the area in front of the door.
Step 3)Pick the lock on the weapon case.
The weapon case in this room is what holds Chillrend, so pop that lock and pick it up. If you're over level 46 and this is your first time here, it should do a nice 30 points of frost damage, as well as have the same base damage as a dragonbone sword from the Dawnguard DLC. One thing to take note of here is the plans on the table in this room. If you aren't on the quest for the thieves guild, don't touch these as it will make it impossible to complete that quest in the future if you do.
And there you have it, outside of crafting and enchanting your own weapons, this is going to be the best sword in the game for you if you use a one handed weapon. Enjoy!
Step 1)Head to the Riftweald Manor.
If you are doing the thieves guild quest line, you will be sent here for one of the later quests, if you aren't level 46 when you are sent here, I would suggest you wait to do that quest line and pick up the strongest version of this sword possible. If you don't want to do the thieves guild quest line at all, you can still break in here to get this sword though. If you decide to get this without the quest to go here, you'll need to go to Riften and go around behind the manor. There's a barrel on the ground you can jump onto, and then up onto the roof. From here, walk back and forth and you'll slowly climb higher on the shingles. Now that you're up here, turn around to see a balcony, that's where you need to get to. Use whirlwind sprint and it should run you right through the air over to the balcony and you can then waltz into the manor itself, after picking the expert lock.
Step 2)Avoid the traps to get to the basement.
There will be a few guards in here, but nothing you can't handle. Once they're dealt with look around for a suspicious cabinet. Open this and there is a false panel in the back you can open to head downstairs to the basement. Take it easy here, don't just charge in, the place is full of traps. The main thing to watch for is the swinging axe blades from the ceiling, but there are dart traps from the walls as well. When you get to the door at the end, stand to the side when you open it as there is a whole stream of darts that will rain down on the area in front of the door.
Step 3)Pick the lock on the weapon case.
The weapon case in this room is what holds Chillrend, so pop that lock and pick it up. If you're over level 46 and this is your first time here, it should do a nice 30 points of frost damage, as well as have the same base damage as a dragonbone sword from the Dawnguard DLC. One thing to take note of here is the plans on the table in this room. If you aren't on the quest for the thieves guild, don't touch these as it will make it impossible to complete that quest in the future if you do.
And there you have it, outside of crafting and enchanting your own weapons, this is going to be the best sword in the game for you if you use a one handed weapon. Enjoy!