My system:
I mostly play FPS games at competitive settings which is usually all graphics on low. I want to achieve at least 240 FPS. The games that I play are mostly: CSGO, Overwatch, Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege. I mostly struggle with not obtaining this framerate in Apex Legends and Siege. What GPU do you recommend for me to obtain the FPS I need? Am I am idiot and should focus on another component in my system? I average around 100 - 115 FPS in the two games I mentioned. Some people that I've talked to said that type of framerate is CPU bound so I don't need more than RTX 2070 and should consider upgrading my CPU too. Thoughts? Any feedback would be great.
- i7-8700K stock
- 16 GB DDR4 2400 MHz
- GTX 1060 6GB EVGA stock
I mostly play FPS games at competitive settings which is usually all graphics on low. I want to achieve at least 240 FPS. The games that I play are mostly: CSGO, Overwatch, Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege. I mostly struggle with not obtaining this framerate in Apex Legends and Siege. What GPU do you recommend for me to obtain the FPS I need? Am I am idiot and should focus on another component in my system? I average around 100 - 115 FPS in the two games I mentioned. Some people that I've talked to said that type of framerate is CPU bound so I don't need more than RTX 2070 and should consider upgrading my CPU too. Thoughts? Any feedback would be great.