[SOLVED] How to get consistent 240 FPS?

Apr 21, 2019
My system:
  • i7-8700K stock
  • 16 GB DDR4 2400 MHz
  • GTX 1060 6GB EVGA stock

I mostly play FPS games at competitive settings which is usually all graphics on low. I want to achieve at least 240 FPS. The games that I play are mostly: CSGO, Overwatch, Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege. I mostly struggle with not obtaining this framerate in Apex Legends and Siege. What GPU do you recommend for me to obtain the FPS I need? Am I am idiot and should focus on another component in my system? I average around 100 - 115 FPS in the two games I mentioned. Some people that I've talked to said that type of framerate is CPU bound so I don't need more than RTX 2070 and should consider upgrading my CPU too. Thoughts? Any feedback would be great.
i7 8700K is not a bad CPU. Not better than 9700K or 9900K for gaming. Though yet still very much capable and I don't recommend to upgrade it.

If you want to increase your FPS, lower your settings as much as possible, upgrade your graphic card, 1080, 2080 or even higher 2080Ti.

Overclock your CPU and RAM (Use XMP profiles at least) if your mobo allows.

I am not sure but, again getting constant 240 fps might not be possible. It is quite a high number.
i7 8700K is not a bad CPU. Not better than 9700K or 9900K for gaming. Though yet still very much capable and I don't recommend to upgrade it.

If you want to increase your FPS, lower your settings as much as possible, upgrade your graphic card, 1080, 2080 or even higher 2080Ti.

Overclock your CPU and RAM (Use XMP profiles at least) if your mobo allows.

I am not sure but, again getting constant 240 fps might not be possible. It is quite a high number.
on older games it is easy to get 300FPS like CSGO. on newer games it might harder to get such FPS. maybe in a few years when we got something that significantly faster than our current fastest CPU.
Correct, it is easy to maintain high FPS with CS:GO. But the games I usually play Battlefield and other modern FPS, high numbers are a dream.