How to get into Gaming Industry or develop my own game?


Dec 26, 2014
Hello, I'm a self-taught artist looking to get into gaming industry. Unfortunately, the problem is game developers are almost none existing in my country. But, I'm way too passionate about this whole thing to give up. So, what kind of software's should I buy, to create at least a simple game for maybe android or iOS?
Here is a good place to get started if you don't know how to program.

Learning to program in at least C++is essential if you want to be a designer. If you know how to program than try out

Making a game is a lot harder than people realize but that shouldn't deter you away from it. You should also get some practice with programs such as Maya or 3DS Max. You could start with Blendr though because its free.

Since you said you where a self taugh artist a good program to use besides Photoshop is MangaStudio. A lot of new and already established artists use that. A modeling program can be used after the concept art is made.

Just start small and put everything into your portfolio even if its not...


Apr 16, 2013

Its fine you are interested going to this side . But you need to be serious about his . Its not like u just sit on computer and then do some clicks and you are done with a game . You need to learn and become more rational .

There are ways to get in the gaming industry .
Firstly you will need to get the proper , i say education about it .
You will need to have something that you can show to them .
Like you can render something using cryENINE or Unreal Engine or other .
Just you like something does not mean you can do it .
Are you familiar with programming or using flash ?

If you want to make a game for personal use i.e. for a website of something you always have flash or unity .

I am not saying that you cannot go there , but you will need to become more rational about it .
Btw which country you are from ?


May 29, 2014
To create a simple game for Android you'd just need an IDE (such as Android Studio), image editing software such as Photoshop (or something free like Paint.NET) to draw any bitmaps you wish to use and experience with Java and XML programming.

If you haven't done any Java programming before then you may be too far out of your depth to dive straight into developing a game for android as you will need to be confident with things such as data structures, thread handling, file reading/writing and you may also want to have server/database integration too. These are all things you'd want to research or practice coding beforehand so that if you run into issues when writing your game you'll have an idea of how they work and how to trace/debug any errors related to these areas.


Welcome aboard, mate...
I'm pretty much on the same boat, albeit I set out first as a hobby and then as a "school-taught" developer rather than an artist. I'm actually lucky a course has opened relatively close to where I live, but otherwise yes, we don't have much game developers in my country either, nor software houses aiming at such development.
I wonder if we're actually from the same one ;)

Anyways, I'm not much into mobile developing, but the Eclipse IDE and the right Android plug-ins (plus an absolute truckload of software development kits if you want to target multiple android versions and ensure compatibility) should be fine for anything you may want to do, not to mention they're free. I'm absolutely clueless about iOS, although I believe it's something vaguely along the same lines.

If you want an advice from someone who resorted with a Java software developer job (for the time being), however, start with smaller steps. As BuzzKenway noted, it's something that won't show its fruits overnight and that requires a certain mindset; it's not a "snap your fingers" type of activity and it's not going to be easy, and it can easily morph from a passion into a nightmare. Start by getting in contact with object oriented programming before delving into a full fledged application and see if it's stuff you can actually manage; Java, C# and C++ (from easiest to hardest amongst the easier languages out there, IMO) are all extremely valid starting points.
yeah, a game takes about 3-4 years from start to finish. (for a real game that isn't made with reused/stolen assests/code)

Here's a movie that documents a few indie game developers:
it's an informative watch for people with delusions about what it's like to make a video game.


Dec 26, 2014
Thanks for the input guys. I did my degree in business admin and by the time I realised it's' not that I wanted to do, I was half way through my business degree lol. Anyways, I have absolutely zero knowledge in programming skills, so I guess, I should stick with concept art, maybe? That's where i'm currently good at so it would be better to focus on the art aspect, right? If I were to get a formal study on gaming development I have to go abroad :C
Thanks a lot


Feb 9, 2015
Here is a good place to get started if you don't know how to program.

Learning to program in at least C++is essential if you want to be a designer. If you know how to program than try out

Making a game is a lot harder than people realize but that shouldn't deter you away from it. You should also get some practice with programs such as Maya or 3DS Max. You could start with Blendr though because its free.

Since you said you where a self taugh artist a good program to use besides Photoshop is MangaStudio. A lot of new and already established artists use that. A modeling program can be used after the concept art is made.

Just start small and put everything into your portfolio even if its not that great.

Good Luck.


You said you're a self taught artist and you want to work into the videogame industry; I say, take the advice of SithElement and get a hold of 3D modeling rather than code developing.
Game developing is not all about coding stuff, and the eye wants its good part too, especially nowadays. Why not do something you already know the fundamentals of?
Zero experience in coding is going to hit you, and HARD; 3D rendering is another thing tho, since you've already set yourself on the designing path.

Take your time to think, try and test if what you want to do can actually suit you as well, I will repeat this to the death. I've already met plenty of developers in my (still short) work experience which now stick with the job because they have to, and not because they want to...


Dec 26, 2014
I actually heard of blender but didn't know it was free lol. Definitely gonna download it and try it. Thank you everyone, for the awesome recommendation. So hard to pick a solution >.<