[SOLVED] {{How To}} get ipv6 in windows 10 like linux?


Jun 17, 2018
Can't find any possible way for me to get ipv6 address on a ipv4 only internet. In linux i was able to get ipv6 by miredo, but in windows i found solution like installing windows teredo adapter, but there is no teredo adapter in windows, i reinstalled windows many times but that solutions is not for me. Can somebody help me with an easy way to get ipv6? VPN's are not for me as they are blocked in my country badly.
windows has teredo for ipv6 through ipv4, indeed, you can enable it with this command:
netsh int ipv6 set teredo client
cmd/powershell it will probably need elevated rights tu run that command, then in device manager teredo tunneling adapter should pop up
teredo status you can check with this command:
netsh interface teredo show state
windows has teredo for ipv6 through ipv4, indeed, you can enable it with this command:
netsh int ipv6 set teredo client
cmd/powershell it will probably need elevated rights tu run that command, then in device manager teredo tunneling adapter should pop up
teredo status you can check with this command:
netsh interface teredo show state
windows has teredo for ipv6 through ipv4, indeed, you can enable it with this command:
netsh int ipv6 set teredo client
cmd/powershell it will probably need elevated rights tu run that command, then in device manager teredo tunneling adapter should pop up
teredo status you can check with this command:
netsh interface teredo show state
Nope does not show teredo adapter (did enabled to show hidden devices), also the guide did not give me a ipv6 adress.