Question How to make hdd warmer and moister free for outside server ?


May 9, 2017

I live in a non heated travel trailer(I like it cold) of about 37-49 frightening avg for winter. With fan on and virt placed hdd im my pc my wd blue 250gb is at 21 cel. My question is will the hdd's in this room get colder without fans on them ? I also don't know what is good operating temps for my hdd's !? I will be getting wd red hdd('s) for sbc or of the shelf pre made NAS. I need to know if I should build/get one with a fan for the hdd('s) !?

EDIT: I see the drives are 4 degres cels colder during boot(17 cel).. I need a way to heat up the hdd or convert to all ssd.. Money >...<

EDIT: Ok so I need a way to keep them warmer and moister free during winter. I also might need to let them cool off during sumer as it is 92 fahrenheit/ 33.3 celsius during july. Any sujestions ?
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  • Hard disk temperatures higher than 45°C led to higher failure rates

  • Temperatures lower than 25°C led to higher failure rates as well

  • Aging hard disk drives (3 years and older) were much more prone to failure when their average temperatures were 40°C and higher

Hard Disk Temperature
Less than 25°C:Too cold
25°C to 40°C:Ideal
41°C to 50°C:Acceptable
More than 50°C:Too hot

EDIT: I'm seeing in my case I should be more concerned about humidity.
Key findings:
  • Disks account for an average of 89 percent of component failures. DIMMs are 2nd at 10 percent. [Disks are the most common component in datacenters.]
  • Relative humidity is the major reliability factor - more so than temperature - even when the data center is operating within industry standards.
  • Disk controller/connectivity failures are greatest during high relative humidity.
  • Server designs that place disks at the back of the server are more reliable in high humidity.
  • Despite the higher failure rates, software mitigation allows cloud providers to save a lot of money with free-cooling.
  • High temperatures are not harmless, but are much less significant than other factors.
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I don't mean to be a pain but I cant find much info on google. Can hdd survive if it was warped/vacuum in static free plastic ? I'm thinking I might wrap hdd in static free plastic and put a type of insulation on the out side of the plastic. Or would the hdd be safe with cardboard sleeve's ? I keep in mind that cardboard might put of fibers/particles and clog hdd !?

The other mornings after snow fall the hdd's are at 13 degres C during boot.
If the environment is OK for you, the human, it is OK for your drives.
Unless, of course, you're standing out in the rain.
Hmm.. I have had over 3 hdd's fail. Some with litel to no use and other that have been used often. All failed after 6-14 months. Writing errors frequently over life time of the hdd's. All systems have APC battery's and are across many platforms's/os's/pc's.

For the environment I some time's wear a face mask. 3-5 layers of clothing. expensive clothing. I'm Also going to get a big dehumidifier. I try'd the 5lb buckets of calcium chloride gel stuff. Thay failed after 2-5 days. Product claim's to work up to 6 months. I had 3 of them open at same time. All my windows and areas around(painted metal) have mold. So I defiantly have a moister problem.

I tested one hdd this morning and it was 12 cel.

If I go with wd red I want to cover it without suffocation to the hdd. My other option is to use ssd.. I cant relay afford either options but knowing what ones to save up/build over time would be nice.
Hmm.. I have had over 3 hdd's fail. Some with litel to no use and other that have been used often. All failed after 6-14 months. Writing errors frequently over life time of the hdd's. All systems have APC battery's and are across many platforms's/os's/pc's.

For the environment I some time's wear a face mask. 3-5 layers of clothing. expensive clothing. I'm Also going to get a big dehumidifier. I try'd the 5lb buckets of calcium chloride gel stuff. Thay failed after 2-5 days. Product claim's to work up to 6 months. I had 3 of them open at same time. All my windows and areas around(painted metal) have mold. So I defiantly have a moister problem.

I tested one hdd this morning and it was 12 cel.

If I go with wd red I want to cover it without suffocation to the hdd. My other option is to use ssd.. I cant relay afford either options but knowing what ones to save up/build over time would be nice.
You are much better off with an SSD:
"Most SSDs are rated for running within a temperature range of 0ºC up to a max temp of 70ºC (32ºF to 158ºF) "