I have a weird issue with my headset, it mutes all incoming audio while taking mic input. It's fine for the most part, but some games will take constant mic input even when VOIP is turned off, which results in the entire game being muted. Also, for some reason, when I go into my mic settings, it doesn't let me mute specific apps. They show up in the "allow desktop apps to access microphone" but I can't mute them individually, it only lets me mute ALL desktop apps or none, the programs above, in the windows store apps section, can be muted at will, but my games only show up in the aforementioned section.
Is there any other way to fix this? I have two games where no matter what I do, I can't hear anything. Other games it's just a minor nuisance, I don't really use my mic too much, but I can't disable all programs, I do use it in some programs.
Thanks in advance
Is there any other way to fix this? I have two games where no matter what I do, I can't hear anything. Other games it's just a minor nuisance, I don't really use my mic too much, but I can't disable all programs, I do use it in some programs.
Thanks in advance