Hey guys, I am selling a pc, and I need some tips with packaging the computer, I know how to package... im not that stupid... (foam, bubblewrap, ect). My question is: Do i need to disassemble everything and package everything separately and then ship? Or can i put it all together and ship, as a prebuilt computer? My Plan is, once i get the cpu (today in fact), I'll assemble it, test it, install windows 8.1 or 10 (tech preview), and maybe after testing it, do a mild overclock, and... sell it!
If you are interested in buying, ill post a link to ebay after a week,
Here is my current build:
FX 8320
Gigabyte MOBO 990fx
8GB HyperX Ram
CoolerMaster Seidon 120M Watercooler
Corsair SPEC Red Case
256gb Lite-On SSD
Corsair CSX 550W PSU
R9 280x MSI Twin Frozr
Thanks Guys! Appreciate the Help! If you want to buy, remember to track the thread! I'll try to be active!
UPDATE: OH!!! Forgot to add, ill also be buying Norton 360, if you don't know what that it... Google!!! This computer is meant to be a plug and play, no waiting, messing with settings or whatever! Its also okay if the buyer wants to buy all the parts separately, I am open to any and all suggestions! Thanks again!
If you are interested in buying, ill post a link to ebay after a week,
Here is my current build:
FX 8320
Gigabyte MOBO 990fx
8GB HyperX Ram
CoolerMaster Seidon 120M Watercooler
Corsair SPEC Red Case
256gb Lite-On SSD
Corsair CSX 550W PSU
R9 280x MSI Twin Frozr
Thanks Guys! Appreciate the Help! If you want to buy, remember to track the thread! I'll try to be active!
UPDATE: OH!!! Forgot to add, ill also be buying Norton 360, if you don't know what that it... Google!!! This computer is meant to be a plug and play, no waiting, messing with settings or whatever! Its also okay if the buyer wants to buy all the parts separately, I am open to any and all suggestions! Thanks again!