Eying that Cryolator locked away safely back in vault 111 and not sure how to pop the lock? Or maybe you just want an army of protectrons to do your dirty work for you? Then you want to learn how to hack computers and pick locks, read on!
Step 1) Get the appropriate skills.
Before you can even attempt some locks and terminals, you are going to need to skills to work on them. For lockpicking, you'll find the perks under the perception skill. You'll need to be level 18 and have 4 points in perception in order to get the first three lockpicking perks. This will allow you to go after those master locks, like the one keeping the Cryolater hostage. For hacking, this is under intelligence and again you'll need 4 points in intelligence to spend perk points on this. The level requirements for hacking are a bit higher, you'll need to be level 21 before you can tackle those master terminals.
Step 2) Crack the code/pop the lock.
Now you're character has the skills, but do you? Time to find out. Picking locks can be a frustrating bobby pin breaking experience that's going to take some time to master. It requires a bit of a delicate touch. You need to find the 'sweet spot' with your bobby pin and then turn the lock with the screwdriver until it clicks. The closer you are to the correct position, the more the lock will turn. For hacking it's a bit more complicated, you'll have to try to figure out what the password is, and you can only get it wrong so many times before the computer will lock you out for a few seconds. If you guess one of the options and it tells you there are two correct, it means two of the letters of that word are right. That gives you a good starting point to go through the remaining words you can try and match them with the one you already tried. If they have two letters the exact same, give it a try. Sometimes you'll get bad luck and won't get anything for a starting point on your first try, and you'll end up locked out. But don't worry, the lockout is only for ten seconds so you can try again.
Step 3) Reap the rewards.
Now that the lock is open you can grab anything that isn't nailed down in whatever room or safe or whatnot you might have been opening. If it was hacking a terminal, then sometimes your reward is to get to read more story of the game, or gathering information you wouldn't have had otherwise. Sometimes it's opening a door you wouldn't be able to lockpick open otherwise, or you can turn mechanical defenses against the people they are supposed to be defending, which can be incredibly satisfying.
Happy hunting out there, and be sure to stock up on those bobby pins for all those pesky locks!
Step 1) Get the appropriate skills.
Before you can even attempt some locks and terminals, you are going to need to skills to work on them. For lockpicking, you'll find the perks under the perception skill. You'll need to be level 18 and have 4 points in perception in order to get the first three lockpicking perks. This will allow you to go after those master locks, like the one keeping the Cryolater hostage. For hacking, this is under intelligence and again you'll need 4 points in intelligence to spend perk points on this. The level requirements for hacking are a bit higher, you'll need to be level 21 before you can tackle those master terminals.

Step 2) Crack the code/pop the lock.
Now you're character has the skills, but do you? Time to find out. Picking locks can be a frustrating bobby pin breaking experience that's going to take some time to master. It requires a bit of a delicate touch. You need to find the 'sweet spot' with your bobby pin and then turn the lock with the screwdriver until it clicks. The closer you are to the correct position, the more the lock will turn. For hacking it's a bit more complicated, you'll have to try to figure out what the password is, and you can only get it wrong so many times before the computer will lock you out for a few seconds. If you guess one of the options and it tells you there are two correct, it means two of the letters of that word are right. That gives you a good starting point to go through the remaining words you can try and match them with the one you already tried. If they have two letters the exact same, give it a try. Sometimes you'll get bad luck and won't get anything for a starting point on your first try, and you'll end up locked out. But don't worry, the lockout is only for ten seconds so you can try again.

Step 3) Reap the rewards.
Now that the lock is open you can grab anything that isn't nailed down in whatever room or safe or whatnot you might have been opening. If it was hacking a terminal, then sometimes your reward is to get to read more story of the game, or gathering information you wouldn't have had otherwise. Sometimes it's opening a door you wouldn't be able to lockpick open otherwise, or you can turn mechanical defenses against the people they are supposed to be defending, which can be incredibly satisfying.

Happy hunting out there, and be sure to stock up on those bobby pins for all those pesky locks!