Unless you have an actual backup of all your data from before this happened, you are 100% out of luck.
Your files are encrypted, and without a decryption key, they will remain encrypted.
I've found no publicly available decryption key for that.
No, a recovery application can't do this.Thank you for your reply. If there is no decryptor available , can you please suggest me any strong file recovery software. We have tried most of the recovery softwares and failed to retrieve the data.
Going straight to the point, you are dead.can you please suggest me any strong file recovery software. We have tried most of the recovery softwares and failed to retrieve the data.
Admittedly, this response is likely far too late to help the original poster, but it could help future readers.
Consult with the folks on BleepingComputer's Ransomware Help & Tech Support forum.
There are known decryption methods for many variants of cryptomalware (AKA ransomware) and many where there are not.
So far, this is the best resource I have found as far as getting real expert assistance when hit with ransomware.