Game streaming is now easier than ever with the Windows 10 Creators Update. Thanks to the new gaming features introduced in the update, you can stream your games without the need for third party programs. If you want to know how to stream your games with Windows 10 Game DVR, here’s how.
If you have been playing with the update, you may have noticed a new Gaming section in Settings. It includes the Game bar, Game DVR, Broadcasting and Game Mode. Game bar is now accessible from within games and allows access to the other features using keyboard shortcuts or mouse.
To stream games, we are naturally interested in Broadcast. This has been made possible thanks to Beam, a company Microsoft purchased last year.
Stream your games with Windows 10 Creators Update
Setting it all up is easy as it was designed for Xbox and ported over to the PC. This means settings are basic and you cannot control much about bitrate and quality but it does allow you to be up and running in less than a minute.
From inside a game:
1. Log into your Xbox Live account to ensure broadcasting is enabled. Check your broadcast gameplay settings and make sure they are enabled.
2. Press Windows key + G. This will bring up the new Game bar.
3. Select the little satellite icon to select Broadcast. This will bring up a new window asking you to log into Xbox Live.
4. Accept the terms and conditions for first use and set up the stream to your liking. Here you decide whether to broadcast the game, desktop, both, whether to have you in the camera, microphone enabled and where to position the camera if you enable it.
5. Stream your game.
The inclusion of Beam within the Windows 10 Creators Update is great for gamers who like to show their skills. While Gameshow or GameCaster weren’t exactly difficult to use, Beam has elevated that usability a lot. If you like watching games being played, your potential viewing pool is about to grow massively!