How to turn off wifi

But My neighbor just jumped on my Wifi and hooked up to it.
I have the antennae off the incoming Cable Modem and they are looging on and DL movies.

Disabling the wifi device on your computer accomplishes nothing other than prevent YOU from having access to the wireless router. The way to prevent someone who's not authorized from using your wifi is to enable wireless security (e.g., WPA2) on your wireless router. Then configure the wireless adapter on your computer w/ the same information. Obviously your neighbor won’t have that same information, so he’ll be LOCKED OUT!

Thank you eibgrad.
I thought that was done but I must have missed something.
It makes sense the WiFi comes from the Modem and the antennae gone only stops farther away people so I better get closer to knowing my Comodo Internet Security. I was slacking and there is no room for that in my life of computers after 38 years.

awolffe, age 65 and the cancer is taking me away.