If you dislike Edge enough to banish it entirely from your system, there's a way to uninstall it.
How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 11 or 10 : Read more
How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 11 or 10 : Read more
Really?Congratulations for the tip, the Edge consumes ram disabled, I'm going to remove this uselessness from my system
View: https://imgur.com/a/gvlUHs9Really?
When not using it, how much RAM is Edge currently consuming on your system?
Looking in my Task Manager right now, I see no processes related to Edge.
Then something on your system is currently using Edge.
What can it be? How do I find out?Then something on your system is currently using Edge.
The funny thing is that Edge has now been rock solid and Chrome has cause reliability problems even they both use same base engine…
Lets see how long it remains to be so, but just now edge does have edge over Chrome… i was more than surpriced to find that out.
@echo off
REM save code as kill-edge.bat form notepad; then close file, right and run as administrator.
net session >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 echo this script must be run as administrator&pause&exit
set "noop=1"&for /f "tokens=4,*" %%a in ('dir ^/ad "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application"') do if exist "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\%%b\Installer\setup.exe" echo Begin uninstall&cd "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\%%b\Installer"&setup --uninstall --force-uninstall --system-level&echo uninstall finished&set "noop=0"
if "%noop%" equ "1" echo.&echo error: microsoft edge setup tool not found.&echo no changes made, exiting&echo.
That just feels extraordinarly satisfying, just like squeezing a really big fat ugly pimple that's been bothering you for ages...If you dislike Edge enough to banish it entirely from your system, there's a way to uninstall it.
How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 11 or 10 : Read more
If you dislike Edge enough to banish it entirely from your system, there's a way to uninstall it.
How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 11 or 10 : Read more