so a little while ago a very good friend gave me some iso files of different windows editions and i want to check them but i dont know how. i saw that a lot of people recommend checking the md5 and so i tried
i searched on youtube on how to get the md5 . got it with powershell but whats next? i tried searching it on google but i see just a few results and first of them is a dodgy russian site i've never heard of
so a little while ago a very good friend gave me some iso files of different windows editions and i want to check them but i dont know how. i saw that a lot of people recommend checking the md5 and so i tried
i searched on youtube on how to get the md5 . got it with powershell but whats next? i tried searching it on google but i see just a few results and first of them is a dodgy russian site i've never heard of