How well my system will do?? 2013-2014

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Aug 22, 2013
CPU intel i5 4570
GPU GTX 650 Ti Boost
RAM 1333Mhz 2x2gb (8-8-8-20)
Current max resolution 1366x768

With my current rig im sure i can run this new games, but i want to know how well it will run it?
- FPS in BF4, crysis3, planetside2,Metro
Any Bottleneck?
-FPS in 1080p (future upgrade)
Any bottleneck?

Currently playing BF3, COD's, all max'd out.. 60-70Fps.
I don't usually play MULTI.

Is there any significant improvement if ill upgrade to i5 4670k?
(I have z87 board)
Yep, get a 2x4GB DDR3-1600 kit. Currently a single 650 Ti Boost will be playing ultra at 1366x768 without any problems, it's good enough to play at high settings at 1080p as well. Go for the 1080p screen then the boost next year :D

Thats cause i moved it to the "signature" tab. Hehe

I dont even have those yet, they are being shipped xD

Yeah xD The other day I put together a build for bill gates.

i7 4770k OC'd to 5ghz, Corsair H100i , 5 1TB samsung 850pro ssd, 4 quadros K6000's, ASUS asus maximus V1 forumula, 32GB of corsair dominator ram,silverstone 1500w PSU, 6 asus 27inch monitors, COSMOS II FULL TOWER PC CASE (<3!!!), 9 CORSAIR AF140 red led fans

Corsair K70 keyboard, Razer mamba mouse, Thermal tank level 10 headphones and MartinLogan MLT-2 5.1 CH Premium Home Theater Speaker System Black System
PRICE: 27,124$ :D

Ok we are going off topic here...

UPDATE: na make that 26,124$ Each quadro k600 dropped by 150$. So its 4850 not 5K.
Yep, even that build is not good enough for Mr Gates.

You never know how long your system will last with coming games, back in 2007 everyone was breaking the piggy banks to upgrade for Crysis, only to find out that barely anything could run it decently at higher settings and higher resolutions.

Since the general rule of thumb for a gamer is to buy middle end then upgrade every two or three cycles it's all good for the OP since the new GPUs on the horizon feature promising tech.

No real need to buy high end since a cycle or two later you'll get the same performance but for much less, and runs more efficient and cool as well (unless you really need that high end hardware to power your multiple monitor setup).

How is my build? Overkill or Underkill? ( if that is even a word xD)

I think mine is good enough for now.

Yep. Ok well let us wait for the OP to get back to us.

4570 and 7850 is really good.

Id say r9 270x if h can pay 200.
Uhh no thanks, with a z87 board he should stick with the 4670k plus a nice cooler (like the Xigmatech GAIA or Hyper 212 EVO) and either get another 650 Ti Boost, or if possible return his current 650 Ti Boost and get a 770.

So either a 4670k+770 or 4670k+650Ti Boost SLI

Oh woops! I forgot about the CPU XD

I meant i5 4670k and 270x

But i got confused to now I recommend

i5 4670k and 770 :)

650ti is old now man...

And it is wise because its a big upgrade. Get an i5 4670k and 770. Overclock later but if you want to overclock the cpu now, get a hyper 212+



To be fair, the 650 ti boost is fantastic in SLI, a lot of performance for not much price, especially seeing as he already has one.

650 ti boost in SLI blows away the 270x. It matches the 280x and 770 in many cases, which is a lot of performance for not much extra costs, as he already has one.


Aug 22, 2013

Yea but as the other poster said 2-3 years from now they'll become less like it.. So by that time if I'm still alive :D there amma put the savings.



Aug 22, 2013

Yea it's a boost and 'twas once an entry level card I heard. So as most suggest and reasonable for me I might just stick to it for now, SLI it and put the extra money either RAM or PSU.. I think I got a crappy PSU base on the reviews.


Aug 22, 2013

Yea indeed a big upgrade. But my situation says otherwise. I can have a cheap SLI for now with a close performance and save for a much bigger upgrade later. Hopefully the 4670k can still keep up with a gtx 880 in the near future and 1080p on 40+ inch monitor.


Aug 22, 2013

I don't have the plans for now to OC the CPUand prolonged it's life. I'll OC it after a year or two with new GPU an only then I think I should get aftermarket cooler,.

So PSU + RAM for now right?



Aug 22, 2013

Don't know but I think if my current PSU can handle the 2 boost I might just get the RAM first seeing new titles requiring up to 6GB's.
I only have 4GB right now maybe that will hold me back with the current titles?