Mom, I need to talk to you about something well..kinda technical, ok? Imagine a hard drive.What's a hard drive? It's that thing in your computer that holds all the computer's information. Yes mom it's the thing with the Gigabytes! Yes, it makes noise sometimes . yeah Mom the noisy old thing that makes you feel like you have an air conditioner, or a fan, or a jet airplane running in your office. Now imagine that this drive is perfectly quiet and has no moving parts, and it's smaller. Got it? That's pretty cool isn't it ohh yeah and its cool too Mom. No not cool cool like temperature cool (well it is cool cool too but...)uses less energy too! Now Mom all you really need to know is the coolest thing about this kind of drive. You know how you have to wait for windows to boot up? Remember yelling at the screen when you were trying to get that report out? Yeah Mom I know that dang windows screen, slow windows , bad windows ,well no more waiting! These drives are fast! No more yelling Mom. Mom stop yelling at your computer NOW! Get an SSD!