Question HP monitor HDMI inactive

Feb 4, 2024

I have an issue right now with my HP external monitor and I got no idea left, just to assume my HDMI port is broken.
The issue is my HDMI port doesn't work, the monitor says it's inactive, even though I see in the "Display setting" under Windows which is really weird. It totally worked yesterday night, but today it just stopped working.
I tried with 3 different HDMI cable (which I know those have no issue, because my other monitors works fine with it), and also plugged it into my laptop and my PC as well. I did factory reset twice on the monitor, also re-plugged the power cable, PC restarts... The display port works fine on the monitor.
I use my monitor on my laptop and PC as well, so if the HDMI port is broken, then I think I need to buy a DP switch, to switch between setups, unless somebody can help me out something I could still try or check.

Thanks in advance.
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Would help us two fold what the model of your HP branded monitor/panel is. As for your display output source? How old is the panel in question?

If the monitor does not display anything in spite of using a known working display output source, then your panel might very well be damaged/broken.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Would help us two fold what the model of your HP branded monitor/panel is. As for your display output source? How old is the panel in question?

If the monitor does not display anything in spite of using a known working display output source, then your panel might very well be damaged/broken.
HP E243 and it's most likely 5 years old (bought from my company).

The DisplayPort works luckily, so I just ordered a DP Switcher (something similar in my country and a HDMI to DP converter (it was discounted by 50%, so I don't need to buy another DP cable 🤞). With these I can switch between work and home PC hopefully (HDMI was my home PC before, and DP was work PC).
Hello! For what it's worth, I was having almost the exact same problem, only neither the DisplayPort NOR the HDMI worked. As a last ditch effort, I tried updating the firmware for the monitor, using the installer & instructions from the support page for the device, using the newest firmware version for the monitor (you'll need Windows to do the update).

And boom! It started working again.

It may be a moot point for you now given your recent converter/switcher purchases, but I at least wanted to share my experience.

Best of luck!