I'm building a pc with huananzhi x99 f8d motherboard, I use Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 as my GPU. When I tried to run it, it keep appearing the code AE, which mean GPU error or storage error. My M.2 sata is ok, some guy told me that my gpu is too good for the motherboard, I need to buy a lower one. This got me really confused, can someone tell if this motherboard is compatible with the gpu?
This is my gpu: https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-GeF...a8-995fca9767ce&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m
This is my gpu: https://www.amazon.com/GIGABYTE-GeF...a8-995fca9767ce&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m