Huge price increase overnight

*Looks at website name. *Reads in his head *as well as forum thread location

I would think he means whatever this website might be about.

And most likely supply and demand type of thing...for example the GTX 680 came out cheap originally, but now it's quite expensive (and unavailable).

Edit: A lot of good hardware is out right now and things are cheaper than ever (for good comp technology) probably spurring people to go out and finally buy SSD's and GPU's and their shiny new computers.

The proprietors of this website would like to remind readers that KY is not an acceptable substitute for thermal grease, or vice versa. Now back to your regularly scheduled inanity.

However, I can see a dab of thermal grease along with your KY reducing friction temperatures dramatically. Thereby improving performance and longevity of the PID (penile insertion device). You may be able to overclock that baby some, given the thermal overhead now present.