I cannot power on my computer


Jul 28, 2011
Hi, So last night after playing some EVE and killing floor and minecraft what have you, I went to bed awaiting another day of exuberant gameplay! unfortunately, while approaching and pressing the power button, nothing happened! I know, hold you tears and sympathy back for now, maybe later. Anyway, I saw that the power light on the motherboard was still lit! And I had an EVE op to get to! so I quickly tore off the front pannel and disconnected the wires from the power button, I then used a lighter to melt a plastic that the case manufacturuers used to keep the wires in place. I then stripped the wires and replaced them in alternating orders to the two button wires, no luck. So ya, it must be the wire! of course! how did i not see it before! so I disconnected the wire from the red LED activity light on my front panel, melted the plastic, stripped the wire, and placed them in both orders on the wires on the button, pres.... no luck. So simple fix, I can use a screw driver to short the circuit and jump start the sucka! ya! thats what ill do! and make my eve op! so I go and get a screwdriver and place it on top of the two power pins of which i am 99% sure is the power pins as I disconnected them. I place it, no luck, I place it on the sides of the pins for that will work surely! no luck... now I am stumped and im taking it to the shop but I'd like to post quickly to see if anyone has a quicker/cheaper solution. welp!!?1?