I can't Figure it out



I just got myself a used Dell Demension L__r from a friend and it just doesn't work.

As soon as I pluged it into the wall outlet it blew the fuse in my power cord.

So I thought that the power supply was faulty. I got a brand new one for it plug it in and turn it on and nothing happens,I took everything out of it tried again and nothing.

The new power supply makes a strange humming sound though. I dont know what the problem could be


Hmm...strange post. What does "L__r" refer to?
And I didn't know cords had fuses?

Could be the MB. Are you sure the PSU is switched to the right voltage (110/220)?

My Athlon can beat your Ferrari off the line.


The "L__r" is the model it's an L series Dimension.
The Power cords I have do have fuses because where I from we use Standard British wall outlets and 220 voltage.

The Psu was switched to the correct voltage.

I was thinking that it was the MB also but looking at it
there doesn't seem to be any visible damage. I guess there may be a small crack somewhere inside.


Yeah, the damage doesn't have to be visible. Usually there'll be a scorched part on one of the chips or something (I've seen it before), but not always.

My Athlon can beat your Ferrari off the line.


Jun 5, 2001
Try starting from the basics.
Remove and diconect all the components from your system.
and then connect only the PSU, System Board, CPU and Speaker. Then try to power on and you should have the CPU + PSU fan spin, as well as POST error beeps. If not it's One of the above componects.
Then try adding the memory power up again and you you should have the CPU + PSU fan spin, as well as a diffrent POST error beep. If it has the same beep code then your memory is faulty.
Next go for the Graphics card. You should now have the system POST screen. If not then it's the graphics card.

Keep adding components one at a time including floppy drives hard drives and CD-ROM as a short in any of these components can mess things up with the psu having the equivelent of a short.

Good luck!!

Only the insane prosper.
Only those who prosper can judge what is sane.


I had pulled out everything excepting the PSU fan and it still didn't come on.When I took out the PSU fan I noticed a small abrasion on one of the wires.That particular wire was touching the surface of the case.Could that be causing the short circuit?