I dont know what to do please help


Dec 29, 2013
So i recieved in the mail a day ago my new Cooler Master Hyper 212 . I then had to set it up in doing that my cpu managed to bond itself to the old cpu cooler i fixed that. I then installed my new cpu cooler. However now that i have installed it everything has seemed to gone haywire everytime im in a game it down clockes the core to 1400mhz for a second or to then speeds up causing my fps to go ballistic ive tried disabling cool in quiet in the bios along with all the other options but even at stock not overclocked the CPU throttles down to 1400mhz and comes up randomly in games. What else can i do any suggestions? is there anything i can do should i just buy another one or is it honestly some setting that is messed up? if anyone else has had a similar problem what did you do to fix it? also yes i know that cpu usually downclocks when your not using it but in games isnt that a but odd?...Also my temps are low 42C at load but TMPIN0 anytime it approches 57 i think it down clocks.
i tried putting the stock cooler back on and for somereason it stopped downclocking in games i have no idea why also on a side note do you no what fps i should be getting in BF4 multiplayer at 1680x1050