I have 48 Gigs of RAM, Will it ever be used?>


Aug 3, 2014
Recent computer purchase showed it has 48 G's of Ram, ( 16 G's usable ) I assume the operating system limits the higher RAM. So is the RAM useless?
You can find a very good use for those 48GBs of RAM, that being creating a RAMDisk to run your games on. What this does is basically load the entire game on your RAM and run it from there. The blazing fast speed of RAM allows for really short loading times and helps a lot when you are modding a game and you have to open and close it multiple times to test it. However, a power failure will cause all of your progress to be instantly lost, so make sure that you have a reliable electricity source.
Yes, your operating system is limiting your RAM. You should consider upgrading the OS. For example, talking about windows 7 64bit, only Ultimate and Enterprise support high amounts of ram. The rest of the versions come with their own limitations.
Anything more than 8gb is pretty much useless unless you're doing video rendering, cad software, photoshop, running a server etc... For gaming 8gb is all you should need. By the time games/software reaches the point it needs even close to that much (if it ever does) it will be probably at least 5 years from now and by then your ram will be outdated. Not sure why so little is usable, the mobo might only support 16gb max, windows 7 or 8 64bit should use it all but that's besides the point.

RAMDisk is a good way to use, but that's useless if the OS doesn't support

Professional 64 bit also can handle up to 192 GB RAM
You prob have Win 64 Home Premium that has a 16GB cap, if you upgrade you'ld be able to use all 48GB, lots you can do with it, RAMDrive, run VMs, depending on your apps many can use much of it, I have folks running on 2011 w/ 64GB and at times complain about not having enough
I run a lot of "bot's" for a game. each uses around 150 M and i run sometimes 40-50 at a time, more the better. So if I upgrade OS, I can then utilize the system better? it has an Intel Core i7-3690V @ 3.30 GHz. I don't know much about the tech stuff, just how to write goals and scripts for the game I play. also, it has 2 TB Hard drives, but the index number is way lower than the other numbers. Does that effect the use of the computer?

was not a new one, bought it at a pawn shop.
You can find a very good use for those 48GBs of RAM, that being creating a RAMDisk to run your games on. What this does is basically load the entire game on your RAM and run it from there. The blazing fast speed of RAM allows for really short loading times and helps a lot when you are modding a game and you have to open and close it multiple times to test it. However, a power failure will cause all of your progress to be instantly lost, so make sure that you have a reliable electricity source.