Question I have a problem with msi z390-a pro

Feb 20, 2025
have a problem with the computer board. There is a missing component and because of it the processor light is on and nothing works. Can Transistor disable the board’s rotation and how can I get a replacement? Note that it was working fine before the transistor went missing.
What is meant by "disable the board's rotation"? Perhaps "disable the board's operation"?

The answer [operation] is yes.

= = = =

Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Take a couple of photographs showing the missing component and post the photographs here via imgur (

If a component is missing the board is broken.

Repairable ? TBD.

More information needed.
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Yes, it is true that the board stops working after losing this item, but the processor light continues to work. The component is a transistor. SMD
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Just because the processor light works does not mean that the processor itself will work.

The light may only mean that power is available to the processor.

And some such indicator light may use different colors to represent the status of the board and/or processor. Could be difficult to even determine the color.....

Go to the board manufacturer's website and search for the applicable User Guide/Manual. You may also find (if lucky) some sort of service/maintenance manual.

Be certain that you are at actually at the board manufacturer's website. There are some websites that claim to have manuals but are actually fake and malicious.
Thanks for your reply but the board was working fine before losing the transistor but I can't find a replacement
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If you are sure that the problem is just that missing transistor then try to find a used or refurbished version of the same motherboard. That motherboard does not necessarily need to be working - it is just a "donor" for parts.

Look at the other transistors as well. A matching/identical transistor could be used elsewhere on the motherboards.

There may or may not be some markings on the transistors or boards so you can compare boards and transistors. With some hope that the components are the same.... May or may not be true.

If identical, desolder the transistor from the donor board and use that transistor to replace the missing transistor.

Requires soldering skills, proper equipment, and a clean working environment.

No guarantees that the replacement will work.
إذا كنت متأكدًا من أن المشكلة تكمن في الترانزستور المفقود فقط، فحاول العثور على نسخة مستعملة أو مجددة من نفس اللوحة الأم. لا يلزم بالضرورة أن تكون هذه اللوحة الأم تعمل - فهي مجرد "مانح" للأجزاء.

انظر إلى الترانزستورات الأخرى أيضًا. يمكن استخدام ترانزستور مطابق/متطابق في مكان آخر على اللوحات الأم.

قد توجد أو لا توجد بعض العلامات على الترانزستورات أو اللوحات بحيث يمكنك مقارنة اللوحات والترانزستورات. مع بعض الأمل في أن تكون المكونات متماثلة... قد يكون هذا صحيحًا أو لا يكون صحيحًا.

إذا كان الأمر متطابقًا، فقم بفك لحام الترانزستور من لوحة المانح واستخدم هذا الترانزستور لاستبدال الترانزستور المفقود.

يتطلب مهارات اللحام والمعدات المناسبة وبيئة عمل نظيفة.

لا توجد ضمانات بأن البديل سيعمل.
سIt is true that there is the same component in many parts of the board, but when I removed one of them, the board stopped working completely. However, when I put the component back, the same problem usually occurs, which means that the transistor is most likely the cause.
Components may appear physically identical but have different specs.

There may or may not be some identifying code on the transistor that specifically identifies the transistor.

Another source would be the motherboard's schematics - schematics are difficult to obtain and not always accurate.

To sum up:

If a transistor is missing and the system has stopped working then all that be done is to install a matching transistor (based on specs). Plus ensure that the removal and installation work is done correctly without causing other problems.

If the replacement transistor does not work then something else is wrong.

Whatever caused that component to go missing may have caused other invisible problems.
قد تبدو المكونات متطابقة من الناحية المادية ولكن لها مواصفات مختلفة.

قد يكون هناك أو لا يكون هناك بعض الرموز التعريفية على الترانزستور والتي تحدد الترانزستور على وجه التحديد.

المصدر الآخر سيكون مخططات اللوحة الأم - حيث يصعب الحصول على المخططات وهي ليست دقيقة دائمًا.


إذا كان الترانزستور مفقودًا وتوقف النظام عن العمل، فكل ما يجب فعله هو تركيب ترانزستور مطابق (وفقًا للمواصفات). بالإضافة إلى التأكد من أن عملية الإزالة والتركيب تتم بشكل صحيح دون التسبب في حدوث مشكلات أخرى.

إذا لم يعمل الترانزستور البديل، فهناك خطأ آخر.

مهما كان السبب وراء اختفاء هذا المكون، فمن الممكن أن يكون قد تسبب في حدوث مشكلات أخرى غير مرئية.
.True, the transistor has an identification number on it and I am trying to search for it. The reason for the breakage was the removal from the place, i.e. even the connection legs were removed. I replaced all the missing points, but I have not found the transistor yet, nor even a diagram.
Go online and search for "Computer transistor manufacturers" or similar words and phrases.

Include the transistor number and variations (no dashes, leading zeros, all capital letters, all lower case.

I note that you are using translator program - no problem.

Try the searches in both your language and English.