I want to bump this thread up again to give an update on the situation. It may be useful to anyone who breaks off some smds on their gpus.
the card never crashed in synthetic tests such as furmark or heaven. But it started to crash recently in real world usage.
to recap, the smd’s i broke are capacitors, they are ceramic caps and unlike electrolytic or tantalum caps these do not have any polarity. I found a lot of these in aliexpress for cheap but there are many different values.
Since there obviously isn’t any value written on it i just decided to use caps that are the same size. I can’t estimate the exact size based on pics online so i just got some from an old board i have.
here are the results:
if you would notice, the caps are soldered badly cause i used a regular soldering iron. The hot air gun would blow off the caps even at minimum speed, i already lost 7 caps. But im very sure that the caps were soldered well and aren’t shorting out
circled in white are two caps that i did successfully, the one circled in red had the solder pad ripped so i cant get a cap on there. I could scratch off the pcb traces but it would be too small and i might scratch off another trace and short something. Maybe if i had a microscope or something…
there was a fourth much bigger capacitor that broke off (not pictured), i guess that one was the real culprit. Was able to solder that with the hot air gun so that one looks much better.
so to recap, these brown caps are ceramic caps and don’t have any polarity, so if anybody were to break some off, you dont need to worry about that. I don’t know about their ratings but i just try to match the closest size. There are also black and green ones, which are resistors and fuses respectively i believe. Those have markings to I think it would be much easier to find the correct one for those.
i think i watched a video before from buildzoid, i believe, stating that some caps are intentionally left out of the gpu as a way of cost cutting for lower models. Im guessing the lower model would be something like a sapphire 5700xt nitro pulse vs something like a nitro+.
makes me wonder what would happen if i saturate all the empty spaces of this card. Might give better overclock. Might not… im not sure if all the empty pads are for caps or what. I wouldn’t want to waste a perfectly working card just for my curiosity. 🤔 what if i buy a defective card and experiment with that…