I long beep, 4 short beep


Nov 6, 2011
No, the manual says its a component failure, but that's really vague. Does that include the CPU? I tested CPU + RAM + GPU, CPU+RAM, they all have r same error beep. But when I just leave the CPU by itself, it has no beeps.
All the beep errors are component failure usually, it's just different beep kinds for different components.
Have you tried just using the CPU and one single stick of RAM, if you have a few of them, you can circulate them. So you'll be able to get the one out that's gone bad.
Once the CPU + RAM combination stops giving the beeps, you can try your GPU in it, and if it doesn't beep..... good for you, the problem would have been solved.


Nov 6, 2011
I tried with one stick of ram also. Still the same beep patterns. This is the second motherboard :/ this first one wouldn't turn on. Is it possible that both sticks are bad and also the GPU? Or maybe bad board. And possibly CPU?


Dec 20, 2011
I tested CPU + RAM + GPU, CPU+RAM, they all have r same error beep.
Ok, so hopefully the CPU isn't bad, now is it possible for you to try the RAM and the GPU in some one elses rig?
If so do that if they work fine, and please, try only one component at a time, I mean, first add the RAM in some other rig and test it, if it works fine and shows up in the BIOS and the OS as the said amount of RAM then it's fine. Then remove the RAM and add the GPU and test it, if it works fine , no color problems, no display errors, then it ought to be fine, so we know they are both ok.