I need a CPU Cooler that will fit the CoolerMaster K350 Mid Tower Case


Dec 22, 2014
Hello everyone,

I am looking to purchase a CPU cooler that will fit my case.

Case Specs- http://www.coolermaster.com/case/mid-tower/k350-rc-k350-kwn2-en/
The Hyper 212 Evo will not fit in my case as it's too big. The CPU cooler has to be smaller than 142mm (if I am correct in saying so. I could be wrong, which is why I linked my PC case specs)

I have looked at the Noctua NH-U9S and the Noctua NH-L12. (I dont think the NH-U9S will fit anyway so I will probably purchase the NH-L12).

Could you guys confirm that either of them fit my case nicely with the fans fitted. And if you could, link me any other good CPU coolers that I could purchase around £30-£50? I prefer to buy from Amazon

Appreciate any replies/answers
Thank you!
The specs you linked says 148.5mm max cooler height.
I suspect there is more room if you do not mount a side fan which would interfere, giving you 25mm more.
Regardless. The noctua NH-U9s is only 125mm tall, but uses a noisier 92mm fan.
The NH-L12 is a downdraft cooler which is usually not as effective.
Either would be good.
If you can find one, I suggest the Cryorig H7, it is 145mm tall and uses a 120mm fan.
The specs you linked says 148.5mm max cooler height.
I suspect there is more room if you do not mount a side fan which would interfere, giving you 25mm more.
Regardless. The noctua NH-U9s is only 125mm tall, but uses a noisier 92mm fan.
The NH-L12 is a downdraft cooler which is usually not as effective.
Either would be good.
If you can find one, I suggest the Cryorig H7, it is 145mm tall and uses a 120mm fan.

Oh, I read the 315mm wide on the overview tab.

So the 212 evo WITH the fan mounted will fit nicely? There will be perfect space around it?

The CPU I want to cool is..the CPU itself right?

Oh, I would prefer a CPU with a side fan. What do you mean it would interfere?

As for the Cryorig H7, it doesnt have any reviews on amazon which for me personally does not show its good, where as, IF the evo 212 fits, (as the other person commenting said it does fit), has lots of reviews, its best seller etc. Any other choices apart from the evo thats good, like other Noctua ones as I have heard there good for gaming etc.??

The cryorig H7 has good professional reviews.
Here is one which shows slightly better than the hyper212:
I have not personally used it, but it seems to be about the only unit with a 120mm fan that is under 160mm tall.

You can hardly go wrong with Noctua, but they are a bit pricier.
If you have 160mm available, the noctua NH-U12S would be good at 158mm.
The mounting method is very easy and good. The fans are superb.
Noctua gives you three lower noise adapters if you want quieter operations.

Ah ye I have looked at it and it is quite expensive. All Nostua's are in general.

So out of the NH-U12S, NH-U9S and the NH-L12 (them being the Noctua fans that would fit my case), what would you say I purchase? Preferably choice?

Also, out of the Noctua one you choose thats better for me to buy or the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO (being cheaper too), what one should I purchase? I dont REALLY overclock my computer like crazy that much, I dont go ULTA HIGH graphics on every game, most likely high i guess. I use my computer for 3D modellling software aswell for University.

Hope this helps! :)
The side fan in question is a case side fan which I find to be usually not very helpful.
You did not state what cpu you are trying to cool.
If budget is an issue and your cpu is not overclocked, why not just use the stock cooler that comes with the cpu?
Ihe intel coolers do the job, but can get noisy under load.
If your cpu is amd, they use older tech and run hotter, but the supplied cpu cooler should still be adequate.

Not knowing anything more, I still think the cryorig H7 is a very good small cooler at a budget price.

Oh i think I know what you mean when you say what cpu I am trying to cool. I have an Intel Core i5-3470 CPU. I hope thats what you wanted to find out?

The stock cooler I have (as told by a friend) was voted the worst intel stock cooler fan ever. Also, I do play lots of games so it gets to around 100 celcius or even more whilst gaming. I do need to replace it immediately.

You also mentioned "If you have 160mm available, the noctua NH-U12S would be good at 158mm." But before you said "The specs you linked says 148.5mm max cooler height.". And on the pc specs link I posted it says CPU cooler height: 148.5mm.

Does that mean ONLY the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO OR the Noctua NH-U9S will fit?

Hang on, doesnt the PC specs say that "CPU cooler height: 148.5mm"??

No you dont understand. I NEED to change it. having read threads, people encourage you not to use the one that comes with the CPU. My computer temperature in celcius reads 100+ whilst gaming. Thats really bad. I am also buying fans.

I dont overclock it, youre right, but I play lots of the latest games which require high performance. I use 3d software, ime studying 3D Animation and Games at Uni for crying out loud! 😛

Thanks, but I would prefer something with a bit more than 2/3 reviews. It doesnt really look well known imo. Also the Raijintek Pallas 140mm needs to be smaller than 148mm to fit my case.

I am just wanting a CPU fan smaller than 148mm, with lots of reviews/purchases (preferably from amazon) so I can buy to cool my computer. Will also be buying corsair case fans

You can have a review directly from me - I've used both & the Pallas is in my own oc fx build - 6300@4.3ghz Max temp of 52c under prime testing with the sh1ttest case airflow you could imagine.

The Pallas is a blower - its only 70mm high.

The aidos performance is very similar to the 212 evo which is incredible for a 92mm tower - a LOT better than the tx3 evo.

Thanks for the info. Wouldnt the Raijintek Pallas bw too big with the 140mm fan? My airflow is really bad. I only have 1 fan that was pre installed and 2 fans for the gtx 760 graphics card. Thats it.

Thanks for your review haha! :) However as for the Pallas or aidos fans from raijintek, it isn't something really popular, even on Amazon reviews and sales, which I prefer. Also word of mouth, friends have mentioned Noctua, Corsair (only watercooling which i DONT want, and Coolermaster).

I mean I found this kinda helpful, but soo many fans to choose form I have no idea. https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/parts/cpu-cooler/?compatible_with=cooler-master-case-rck350kwn2en

Thanks :)
For a I5-3470, you do not need more than the intel stock cooler for performance reasons.
The stock cooler has a 92mm fan that will spin up and get noisy under load.
For noise, virtually any cooler with a 120mm fan will be quieter.

If your cpu temperature is 100c. under load, there is something wrong.
100c. is the temperature that causes the cpu to slow down or shut off to protect itself.

Likely, the cooler is not mounted well.
Look at the back of the motherboard to verify that all 4 pushpins are through the motherboard and locked.
With the pc shut down, nudge the cooler. There should be no wiggle.

I suggest you remount the cooler. you will need to clean off the old paste(alcohol and a coffee filter do the job).

play with the pushpin mechanism until you know how they work.
Put only a small drop of paste in the center of the cpu die.
Too much will act as an insulator.
The paste will spread without air bubbles under heat and pressure. It is hard to use too little.
Place the cooler so that all 4 pins are oriented over the holes in the motherboard.

Push down on the entire cooler so that all 4 pins are through the motherboard.
When you push down on the top black pins, it expands the white plastic pins to fix the cooler in place.

The trick to getting it on is to push down on a DIAGONAL pair of pins at the same time. Then the other pair.
If you do them one at a time, you will not get the cooler on straight.
Lastly, look at the back of the motherboard to verify that all 4 pins are equally through the motherboard, and that the cooler is on firmly.
This last step must be done, which is why the motherboard must be out of the case to do the job.
It is possible to mount the cooler with the motherboard mounted in the case, but you can then never be certain that the push pins are inserted properly.

Your cpu should run at 15c. or so over ambient if it is mounted properly.
Raijintek are fairly new hence the lack of reviews- they're a firm to watch though - they're pretty much whupassing the big names on price/performance.
German aswell so quality is top notch.

Here is the aidos beating the 212 evo on an oc 4770 though.

Good reviews here - there isn't another small cooler that touches it apart from the noctua's for 3x the price.


The Pallas knocks about 3c off those temps but is quieter & requires more time fitting.
Either will fit .

Thank you for the information :)

When you say "For a I5-3470, you do not need more than the intel stock cooler for performance reasons.". Are you 100% sure I dont need a new CPU fan? My friend said my one was apparently voted the worst intel cooler there is!. Its also advised that (definately for gaming pc's), you change the stocker cooler immediately as its not very good. ??

"If your cpu temperature is 100c. under load,". When you say underload, you dont mean overlocking do you? Underload is neutral usage of the computer like browsing the net etc, overload is gaming? It gets around 100+ whilst playing games and is idle at around 50 celcius.

Also "you will need to clean off the old paste(alcohol and a coffee filter do the job).". Would a
Arctic Cooling MX-4 4g Thermal Compound and Arctic Silver ArctiClean Thermal Material Remover & Surface Purifier 60ml Kit be good enough to use? Btw, i WONT spread the paste right? Just place a pea sized blob in middle and place the stock cooler back which will spread it automatically right when the pins are in place correctly?

"white plastic pins to fix the cooler in place". Are these white pins at the back of the motherboard right?

"This last step must be done, which is why the motherboard must be out of the case to do the job.". But my case allows for both sides of the case to be taken off. That means I can tane the side off that allows me to see the back of the motherboard and the pins in place. Do I HAVE to take the motherboard off? Place it on something? Being extra careful as it could snap??

Lastly.."Your cpu should run at 15c. or so over ambient if it is mounted properly.. run 15c cooler? over ambient? What does this mean?

I really apologise for this LONG lit of questions and quotes. I just need to be certain that I understand these things and that I DEFINATELY DONT need to buy another cpu cooler. Although there wouldnt be any harm in adding a fresher, better CPU cooler to cool my cpu more? By the way, what I am certainly doing is buying corsair sp120 and corsair af120mm case fans.

Thanks! :)

Ye, I mean they do look good. Like you said, they fit my pc. I mean all i can say is I will think about it, ask round, ask friends to see what they think of it.
Ok its done. I have made my final decision. I will be purchasing the Noctua NH-U9S like geofelt mentioned a while ago. Even the specs on the official nuctoa website for ths fan shows the size specifications...http://www.noctua.at/main.php?show=productview&products_id=105&lng=en&set=1

It is quite pricey, but I am ok with that. If there any reasons as to why I shouldn't get it or alternatives (pretty much all have been mentioned already haha), then feel free to post :)