I need help choosing gaming peripherals


Dec 23, 2014
OK so i am buying a new gaming pc and i have a 110-120 bucks budget left for peripherals. I play a lot of fps and i 've been researching for a while. My two best options from what i can tell are:
1. Get the corsair m65 gaming mouse alongside with the mm200 mousemat and use what 's left to get a "cheap" gaming keyboard.
2. Get the coolermaster storm mizar gaming mouse and the quickfire xt mechanical keyboard.
What should i do? I am really confused . Please respond and if you think there's a better solution please don't forget to tell me.
(Just don't tell me to go get the razer deathadder and blackwidow ...i 've tried both of them and their quality is too <mod edit> , especially the mouse is nothing special. I don' t understand why people think it's that great)

Moderator Warning: Watch your language in these forums>
get hardwares from razer ...simply the best for gaming , but sometimes expensive

PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/dcHCD3
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/dcHCD3/by_merchant/

Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow 2014 Wired Gaming Keyboard ($81.70 @ Directron)
Mouse: Razer DeathAdder 2013 Wired Optical Mouse ($56.07 @ Amazon)
Total: $137.77
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-21 10:47 EST-0500

"(Just don't tell me to go get the razer deathadder and blackwidow ...i 've tried both of them and their quality is too <mod edit> , especially the mouse is nothing special. I don' t understand why people think it's that great) "

It's not. Build quality is subpar and they charge a premium because people are easily fooled by the advertising/marketing tactics and are willing to buy their products.

The m65 looks like a solid choice. For the keyboard you might want to look into the CM Quickfire that you have listed. My friend has a Quickfire, I believe the TK, and it was a great mechanical keyboard for less than $100.Duckshine also makes some nice keyboards in that price range.

As for the mousepad I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes compared to a basic pad...

Regardless I would still invest in a decent mechanical keyboard first. You will feel the greatest difference there compared to the other gaming peripherals.