Question I need HELP getting EMAIL BOMBED!!!


Apr 9, 2018
I have been getting email bombed on my main email account.
I have no credentials like bank accounts associated with this email but still, I reset the password for it and enabled 2fa, and the same for every other email I had.
The guy who is doing this found my other email somehow is spamming them too, but I am constantly 24/7 checking my emails and I am stopping him from changing password etc.
He doesn't even have access to these accounts it doesn't show that any other devices are connected.
It just started randomly and it was gone for like 1 day or so, also the guy who is doing it doesn't spam me with 1000's emails but only like maybe 100 a day maximum.
He tried changing steam, discord, and other websites I have made a new email for all the important services and started moving them there. (it seems he doesn't have this email)
I have changed every account's password to be unique and long and there to be 2fa, everything possible something I am missing?
What does he want there is nothing to gain from this account?
The only lead I have gotten this far is this <<Removed by moderator>>
I think maybe my pc is contaminated, but how is it I haven't installed anything or opened any emails or done anything recently.
Maybe it's also one of my two phones?
I have been thinking of resetting my PC and factory resetting my phones but, if I am going to go through this for like 30 minutes some of my security is going to be down and I am going to be vulnerable.
Since I have moved my important stuff to a new email can't I delete the whole google account so he can't harass me anymore?
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you mean you getting a lot of spam?
Yeah alot of spam, I heard its used to mask malicious activities and there were some like attempts to change my password but usually that happens when the spam stops.
It's been getting less and less.
I am still paranoid though because I am scared that this may cause some serious damage.
Everything is 2fa protected and I reset all my passwords and checked if any order got through anything like amazon,ebay, paypal etc.
Tomorrow I am also going to the bank to make sure everything is okey for now they tried changing stuff like steam, discord and stuff that isn't important really.
I checked haveibeenpwned and I am apparently part of a data breach.

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