I need to upgrade my graphics card.


Jul 17, 2016
I would like to upgrade my graphics card I currently have a amd a8-6600k with a stock cooler and a gigabyte r7 240, what graphics card should I buy?

Not exactly the best candidate of a PSU to be pushed too far:



but again, your overall upgrade at this time will really come down to budget. This can serve as a guide:


on just how far you want to go (and I wouldn't even go an inch over the line with that PSU). If you can replace it, then it would be a good idea.....it will certainly offer a more stable gaming platform with a much more powerful...

Chieftec....+ 400watts = shrugs

not sure about this brand but 400watts can probably do it?? if so, you wouldnt have a lot of headroom as you are coming close to peak wattage.
psu is very important. especially when you are investing more into your pc, the psu shouldnt be underrated.

Not exactly the best candidate of a PSU to be pushed too far:



but again, your overall upgrade at this time will really come down to budget. This can serve as a guide:


on just how far you want to go (and I wouldn't even go an inch over the line with that PSU). If you can replace it, then it would be a good idea.....it will certainly offer a more stable gaming platform with a much more powerful GPU. Get a PSU that will last you through a couple of upgrades though, so you're not in the same predicament next time.

Example: Get a good quality 500w PSU, even though for budget reasons you may choose a RX460, so you have plenty of options with your PSU next upgrade