Question i put a 6th gen in a 8th gen mother

Jul 10, 2024
well, its story time

recently i upgraded my pc, so i was left with a combo of i5 8400 and its motherboard. After a couple of days, i remember that i have a random i5 laying around, in my mind, it was a 8400 too, so i did the more logic thing, and without cleaning the old thermal paste, i throw it in that running motherboard, obviusly it does not boot, only keep beeping, after that i say, -well, lets put de og cpu in that mb-, and for no one's surprise, no longer boots, and keeps with 4 long beeps and a short one(gigabite). After all of this, and a lot of normal troubleshouting i say, lets clean that random chip, and after a good laught i realize that i screw it, it was a 6400
So now that the pile of scrap is bigger, i think if somebody did the same thing, and if someone have some clue if is posible to revive that combo, just for fun, it has no future more than being stored, but could be a good afternoon of play haha

okey, thats all, and for the readers of this google search, dont do it at home

PS: sorry for my english, i speak in spanish for 99% of the time(that 1% is the friday nights after a good sixpack)


You're only going to end up with a larger pile of e-waste...just stating that before you're wasting anymore time.

You can drop both processors onto known working motherboards, boards that are of little to no value but are known working is what you need to look for and by that I mean boards that are for their respective processors/sockets.