My dad accidentally disconnected my psu from my Gpu while the pc was on... I know its stupid.
luckily my gpu diden't break or anything but now it is doing some coil whine which it wasn't doing before. I know coil whine shouldnt be dangerous and its not that bad so i am just grateful nothing else happend. Now im just courious of what could be the cause. What do you think happend those 5-6 sec it was unplugged before i quickly turned off the pc?
Thanks in advance
luckily my gpu diden't break or anything but now it is doing some coil whine which it wasn't doing before. I know coil whine shouldnt be dangerous and its not that bad so i am just grateful nothing else happend. Now im just courious of what could be the cause. What do you think happend those 5-6 sec it was unplugged before i quickly turned off the pc?
Thanks in advance