I Think It's Time To Refresh


Apr 27, 2004
Does AMD Have Intel On The Ropes?
WHats taht you say? Prescott still runs hot and still sucks?
its a work in progress.
Hmm??? LGA775 will soon be replaced by a more advanced chipset and the pins break so easily those who plan to upgrade are screwed?
Whats That? Hardware limited overclocking?
Holy Crap?! Grantsdale recalled?!?!
S***.... S***....
and prescott still SUCKS.
gbye everyone, we had a good run!
Oh... Wait...
Intel Still rakes in ungodly profits from the uneducated unsuspecting mainstream market, which it has a sphincter-tight grip on?

(Dont Flame Me, im nice!)

-I'm Laughing At It Now-
To be fair, the P4c chips are still pretty good, and the celeron D chips look like the best low cost units intel has put out in a while.
You forgot, however that the A64 xeon chips look to be poorly done.
A64 xeon ???

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Agree with you, but I might say that looking at it from an enthusiast point of view, if I had to build a mid/high range PC I probly wouldnt go for a P4c.
And if I was to build a low cost PC, I'd choose a AXP over a Celeron D...
Anyhow maybe Intel aint at there best in the desktop cpu segment but I wouldnt say AMD got them in the ropes...
Bottom line is, it will make Intel work there ass a bit harder to come up with better stuff(hopefully).

Asus P4P800DX, P4C 2.6ghz@3.25ghz, 2X512 OCZ PC4000 3-3-3-8, Leadtek FX5900 w/ FX5950U bios@500/1000, 2X30gig Raid0
bah I like that name hehe
Intel get waht they deserve witht that name!

Asus P4P800DX, P4C 2.6ghz@3.25ghz, 2X512 OCZ PC4000 3-3-3-8, Leadtek FX5900 w/ FX5950U bios@500/1000, 2X30gig Raid0