Question I updated the BIOS of my Z68MA-D2H-B3 to UEFI and I'm stuck on a black screen.

Sep 23, 2024
I tried to update my motherboard to a UEFI, which would be much faster at booting and give me a better interface for the BIOS, but after completing the update, I turned off the PC using the button and the power outlet, as the PC itself requests. When I turned it back on, I no longer had any video. I have already used Clear CMOS, removed the battery for a long time and put it back, removed the SSDs, the RAM (leaving only one), the GPU, and tried a method using the power buttons from the case and the PSU in a specific order to activate the backup BIOS (my motherboard has DualBIOS), but it didn't work. Since I updated the BIOS via a bootable USB drive (the U1C version could only be installed this way), I believe the "new" BIOS was written to both BIOS chips, but I could be wrong about that. I would like to know if there are any other methods out there to help me with my problem.

I saw on this same forum that someone had exactly the same issue as mine with the same motherboard and the same factors; they used a USB drive to update and ended up with a black screen, just like me. I did what was in the thread (i'll leave the link below), but when I turn on the PC, at the last step, the PC shuts down and powers on by itself, repeating the same problem. My motherboard is quite old, but if anyone could help me, I would be EXTREMELY grateful.

Saw thread:

I wouldn’t like to take it to a technician, and buying new chips would cost me 30 reais, which is a reasonable price, but I have no knowledge of soldering, or whatever method is used to attach the BIOS chips to the motherboard. Hahaha.

i7-2600k (no overclock)
16GB RAM (now only has 1 due to the procedure)
MSI MAG A650BN power supply
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

I would like to know if there are any other methods out there to help me with my problem.
If you think that both BIOSes have been corrupted, you can use a CH341A BIOS programmer toolkit and flash the BIOS with the latest version. Just so we're on the same page, did you verify that the PCB version for your motherboard is the same as the page you went to source your BIOS file for your motherboard?
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

I would like to know if there are any other methods out there to help me with my problem.
If you think that both BIOSes have been corrupted, you can use a CH341A BIOS programmer toolkit and flash the BIOS with the latest version. Just so we're on the same page, did you verify that the PCB version for your motherboard is the same as the page you went to source your BIOS file for your motherboard?
Thank you for the warm welcome!

Yup, my mb is rev 1.3, i've checked the BIOS file before get it

My only concern is that for my motherboard model, I would need to remove the BIOS chip to place it in an adapter for the CH341A and then rewrite the BIOS. However, I don't understand how to remove the BIOS, and it seems to be soldered to the motherboard. I have never soldered anything. I'm still looking for a method before seeking help from a professional.
Thank you to everyone who has responded so far. I still have the problem, but I have some updates. I tried forcing the boot through the backup BIOS using a piece of wire, but after restarting about 5 times, it powers on (and I think it boots from the BACKUP BIOS), but it still has the same symptoms as the main BIOS. So maybe what I feared the most has happened: during the update process, both BIOS were rewritten. I'll try some few times, but i really think that my only hope is a professional help hahaha