[SOLVED] I5 11600 or ryzen 5 5600x


Sep 8, 2019
Hey I am going for an upgrade for my PC from a very old one (amd phenom II x6 1090t) and I have been considering I5 11600 I have seen stats for it and I think it is performs so good for that price bracket and I have seen that ryzen 5 5600x too and performance is quite the same I think?(although some say ryzen is quite lower performance than intel and vice versa IDK really) but the ryzen is more expensive than the intel but also I have heard that you need to buy a new separate cooler for the intel because it really overheats with its already packaged cooler so the price would be almost the same
I am so confused really what do you guys think?
The 5600x and 11600k are about even. Keep in mind that 12th gen is out now. The 12600k is a beastly chip. You are going to want a cooler, regardless of what you get. AMD motherboard pricing is a bit lower, if you look at B550, vs Intel Z series boards.
The 5600x and 11600k are about even. Keep in mind that 12th gen is out now. The 12600k is a beastly chip. You are going to want a cooler, regardless of what you get. AMD motherboard pricing is a bit lower, if you look at B550, vs Intel Z series boards.
Is this for a gaming PC? Do you already have a good GPU? What monitor are you planning on using with this build? What country are you in (for pricing comparisons)?
Yes mostly gaming I have gtx 1660 ti I am having an old 24 inch LCD monitor maybe I will change in the future but with something not super fancy will be like 30s inch at most
I am leaving in egypt
The 5600x and 11600k are about even. Keep in mind that 12th gen is out now. The 12600k is a beastly chip. You are going to want a cooler, regardless of what you get. AMD motherboard pricing is a bit lower, if you look at B550, vs Intel Z series boards.
Problem is that I amliving in egypt so I don't think we have 12 gen cpus by now here
Also doesn't these cpu require a significantly more expensive motherboards?
Well the 5600x does come with its own cooler - the cooler isn't great but it should be fine for gaming. If you can't find a 12600k and a Z690 DDR4 motherboard easily or for a good price then I would lean toward a 5600x with a B550 motherboard. The 5600x is a great CPU for gaming.
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Hey I am going for an upgrade for my PC from a very old one (amd phenom II x6 1090t) and I have been considering I5 11600 I have seen stats for it and I think it is performs so good for that price bracket and I have seen that ryzen 5 5600x too and performance is quite the same I think?(although some say ryzen is quite lower performance than intel and vice versa IDK really) but the ryzen is more expensive than the intel but also I have heard that you need to buy a new separate cooler for the intel because it really overheats with its already packaged cooler so the price would be almost the same
I am so confused really what do you guys think?

AMD's multi-core processing is excellent but Intel's single-core processing is more good. So if you think to use your PC for gaming, I recommend to use AMD Ryzen 5/7/9 Processors, but if you're using your PC for something that would need more speed and less tasks, then Intel Core i5/i7/i9 is for you.
Your not going to be disappointed with either, both are very capable. What do you use your computer for? Also do you have a GPU, if you don't and your not prepared to pay the silly prices at the moment you will need something with an iGPU. If that's the case then I would consider the 5600G or 5700G.