I want to upgrade my PC to a better processor. Currently I have an AMD FX 8350, and an MSI 7641 motherboard. I want to upgrade my CPU/MOBO to a i5 6600k 3.5 GHz but I DO NOT want to upgrade my ram to DDR4. Now I understand that there is an issue with having 1.5 voltage ram when having the K on a cpu, from what I understand? Here are my questions:
Someone please help me understand more what the immediate risks of using DDR3 ram with an i5 6600k would be. Also, if you could please link multiple motherboards. I've tried researching but I would like to hear from a more knowledgeable resource/community.
RAM I have: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148545
What are the risks of using 1.5v ram with the processor? Is the ram always running 1.5v? I don't understand.
- What are good intel motherboards < $100 that support the the i5 6600k?
- Do I need liquid cooling? I am currently using the HyperX 212 Evo. I realize the whole point in getting a K is for liquid cooling and performance?
Someone please help me understand more what the immediate risks of using DDR3 ram with an i5 6600k would be. Also, if you could please link multiple motherboards. I've tried researching but I would like to hear from a more knowledgeable resource/community.
RAM I have: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148545