My i5 7600k @ stock clocks is only getting around 630-640 in Cinebench. This seems rather low and am not sure what could be causing this.
Specs : i5 7600K @ 3.8ghz
Mobo : Gigabyte Z270P-D3
GPU : MSI Gtx 1080 gaming X
Ram: 16GB 2400Mhz Corsair.
SSD : Samsung 860 Evo
I have made sure there is nothing taking up CPU usage, about 15% of my memory is in use on Idle to something called "Antimalware service executable" but as far as I remember thats windows defender so I can't really do anything about that right?
Specs : i5 7600K @ 3.8ghz
Mobo : Gigabyte Z270P-D3
GPU : MSI Gtx 1080 gaming X
Ram: 16GB 2400Mhz Corsair.
SSD : Samsung 860 Evo
I have made sure there is nothing taking up CPU usage, about 15% of my memory is in use on Idle to something called "Antimalware service executable" but as far as I remember thats windows defender so I can't really do anything about that right?