It's simple. You have an i5. BF1 is optimized for multiple thread usage, 8 is good. BF1, GTA:V and other multi thread type games will run on 4 threads, but it will bog down an i5 with 100% cpu usage easily. Wouldn't make a difference what resolution, what gpu, what setup, nothing. It's the game engine pure and simple.
Using an over balanced gpu just exasperates the situation. Here's how it works. Take a blade of grass. The cpu defines what a blade is, what it's dimensions are, what it looks like it's range of motion, colors, placement on the screen etc and takes a that info and shoves it to the gpu to paint the picture. The gpu needs only paint it 66x per second on a 1080p resolution. With settings at ultra, the cpu has to figure 4 million of those blades, which is easy for the gpu, not so much for the cpu. Raise the resolution to 4k and nothing changes for the cpu, all that info on the 4 million blades is the same, but now the gpu has to reproduce 4x the amount of pixels, which gets hard. With 3x monitors, what normally would drive a cpu to close to 100% usage was those 4 million blades of grass. You just made it 12 million, yet correspondingly you only moved resolution 3x as much, less than 4k worth. So the gpu catches a break, yet the cpu gets pummeled.
Your issue is one of the game engine swamping the i5's 4x threads in BF1, with the added pummeling of 3x monitors worth of info, without making the gpu work as hard. Changing settings to lower just makes things worse, the gpu catches more of a break, the cpu stays the same. The only way around it is to avoid as much cpu dependent settings as possible. No AA, no mods, no mxaa, no AV, nothing cpu in background, but at the same time max everything as much as possible that's gpu bound. Lower cpu usage = raise gpu usage.