I7 2600K or i7 3770K


Jul 26, 2009
This has probably been asked countless times but need an opinion from users of Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge. Currently have i5 2500 (unclockable) and wished I had gotten the K model. I want to upgrade to an unlocked i7 2600K or i7 3770K. Is the extra 70 dollars for the Ivy Bridge worth it? I do mostly flight sim (FSX) which says hyperthreading is used so that steers me towards the i7 but is it worth the extra 70 dollars. I use discrete graphics (6870). I know power consumption is down from 95 to 77 but cooling will not be a problem. Any opinions. I would appreciate your input because I am leaning towards the Ivy Bridge.
The FSX Hyperthreading discussion has been going on a long time. You can find smart people who swear it does help and even smarter people that says it won't.

For example:
AVSIM forums: Hyperthreading - Yes it DOES help!

I'm in the middle camp that says it's probably not worth paying extra for hyperthreading i7-2600K over i5-2500K.

Here is another on hyper-threading http://www.overclock.net/t/671977/hyperthreading-in-games

For me I think it is based on the application that you are going to be running. In gaming there is very little value for hyper-threading between a processor like the Intel® Core™ i7-2600K and the Intel Core i5-2500K. Now you may get more value from hyper-threading in gaming from a processor like the Intel Core i3-2100.


Jul 26, 2009

Overall I am not unhappy but FSX needs every ounce of CPU power it can get. Even with that set up it still cant be maxed out. If the i7 3770 will give me a marked improvement I would consider upgrading to it.


Jul 26, 2009

Thanks that was basically why I was considering it. As it is it is more than adequate for gaming but if will not really help with the hyperthreading I still may get the new Ivy Bridge i5 that is unlocked so I can at least overclock it. Thanks