I7 4770K Temperatures (HELP)


Mar 4, 2014
i7 4770K Temps
So I have my i7 running at the default speeds on a deep cool maelstrom 120 liquid CPU cooler with one fan i left the CPU running with a program called prime 95 with the (in place large FFTs (maximum power consumption some ram tested) I left it running on this test for around 20-25 minutes on the default clock speeds and the maximum temperature the CPU hit was 70 Degrees 69 to be exact is this normal under this test with a cooler like this also I only have one pc case fan which is cooling the hard drives and one on the radiator (I have new fans on the way) is this a good tenperature?

And also would I be Able to over clock the CPU I overclocked it on the motherboards Perfirmance mode which made it run at 4.3GHZ 4290MHz and I got a maximum of 82 degrees (but the voltage was a little high) I couldn't change the vaultage as it was a profile set by the board mother board is a Asus B85M-G (horrible mATX motherboard as my Z87 Gigabyte Broke) also I've noticed my CPU likes to idle around 28-35 degrees which is great but occasionally it will jump from like 30 to 45 degrees and back down again is this normal thank you for your help

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1| What are you ambient temps?

2| Those temps look just about right if at stock clocks and a sinlge 120mm radiator surface.
Ofc the make and model of your case will dictate if that is a good number or not since airflow is a real concern in terms of thermals.

3| The B85 chipset is a no frill motherboard/chipset which means you wont get granular level of overclocking capabilities when overclocking. In fact the default voltages are too high.

Another thing to keep in mind is that artificial benchmarks/stress tests should only be used to find the limits of your overclock stability and NOT the limits of your cooling. Unless you're actually going to be using applications that stress your CPU to 90-100% utilization for prolonged periods of time, you shouldn't worry about seeing temps up to ~80s when running such programs.

My ambient temps are probwbly around 15-20 degrees my machine is at idle now at 27 degrees my case is a cooler master standard case can't remembwr the name and is there any way of me changing my default voltage thanks