I7-860 CPU Cooler Suggestions?


Feb 9, 2007
I have bought a i7-860 Retail Boxed CPU this week at Micro Center for $229 which I believe is about the best price out there and am getting ready to buy an Asus P7P55D Motherboard and Corsair XMS3 4GB Kit as a combo deal at Newegg. I had already bought a Coolermaster CM 690 Case and a Coolermaster 700 Watt Modular Power Supply. When the Motherboard comes in I would like to install a better air cooler than the one that came with it before I install the Motherboard in my case.

I would like advice about a good cooler that will both cool as well as possible at a reasonable noise level and also fit my Asus P7P55D Motherboard and Coolermaster CM 690 Case.

Any suggestions/advice would be appreciated.
OOPS! I am growing old disgracefully and sometimes I forget stuff. You mentioned reasonable sound levels. Here is a link to a good website with information about quiet fans and other quiet components:


Shadow703793 - We just had another thread about cpu heatsinks for the Intel LGA 1156 socket. I used the embedded search feature at frostytech.com to come up with more information:


I had to go through the entire results to find other heatsinks besides the new version of the CM Hyper 212